Saturday, April 19, 2008

Home sweet home

Have been travelling almost every weekend over the last 2 fact this is my first weekend in Singapore and I'm loving every minute of just vegetating at home with lovely home cooked meals, endless dvds and cuddling up with my two pets =)
I'm really gonna savour just staying home now cos come next month till June, the endless travelling starts again.

Last night i invented a new pasta dish, Thai Spiced Chicken with Angel Hair Pasta...dun wanna compliment myself but it was FREAKING GOOD!

Tonight we're gonna have fried GARLIC rice (by Chef Lim) with Steamed Seabass with Tom Yam broth (by Mua)! Can't Wait! Perfectly yummy, perfectly home cooked.

the day i got wet...

As you can see, I got shot point blank by this kid

Ocean's 11 thai style

Had so much fun @ the Water Festival in BKK for the first time. Although I was not armed with a water gun as I was only intending to be a DRY bystander....but we realised there's no such thing as being outdoors and dry during the water fest!
I guess being a girl didn't help since I was a 'victim" of alot of water "blessings" from the thais whilst Conrad managed to stay relatively untouched...
I just love how adults reveled in such child-like delight playing with the kids blasting each other with their very sophisticated looking Water guns.
Conrad and I promised to return again next year for the Water Fest but this time ARMED with SUPER SOAKERS!

oosh 3rd Anniversary party

the boys

nick gets all the girls

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ok la

Ok out of my moody mood cos discovered the best cure for hangover mondays tuesdays and everyday.
When you get sick of work, get a healthy dose of ONLINE SHOPPING!
When you're busy clicking away on your laptop with the look of INTENSE look like you're busy "working" mah
tee hee

Monday, April 14, 2008

sick n tired

Sick n tired of the way things are at work.
I'm having one of those days where you just wish you could curl up under the blanket and hide from the world. Sit in front of the idiot box and watch dvd all day long...

I don't know what's wrong and what's happening anymore. Think the only way to cope is to detach myself from everything, otherwise I'll just go crazy.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

wet wet wet

Going to Bkk for the weekend...
2 dudes have promised to get me very very very WET....
I'm getting Xcited just thinking about it


Gonna walk the streets in nothing but my slippers n bikini

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

City girl

In Kyoto now, enjoying the sakuras. Very pretty and scenic, especially when the weather's nice and you get to see the dainty flowers against the clear blue sky.
Went walking through the "Path of Philosopphy" which is a small gently wind-y path along the river lined with cherry blossoms.
My thought's after walking down the "path of philosophy"?
"Too much a good thing is not good"

i.e. Think I've seen enough cherry blossoms and quaint villages, I NEED to get back to the buzz of a city where I can find a good cup of freshly brewed COFFEE and food that comes in adult portions.
When I'm a working city girl, I kid myself that life's so much better and easier maybe living in some farm some where.
After 4 days of sub-urbania, I'm craving the mad rush of life zipping by me in a city.
So I guess, not so deep down inside me, I'm a city girl afterall.