Saturday, January 24, 2009

Snap out of it

I really gotta snap out of my Lembek mode. Ever since Christmas I've been on a super-holiday-don't-feel-like-working mood.
Didn't help that the 5 days cruise on the Royal Caribbean was too damn relaxing. Been a long time since I spent 5 straight days of no internet, no calls and literally not really needing my brain (other than the few times i had to beat conrad at Chua Dai Ji). The moment you board the ship, everything is taken care of. You don't need to think about what to do to entertain yourself, don't need to think about where and what to eat, don't need to think about where to go. We didn't even disembark the ship when it was in KL, mostly because the taxi fare to the city was a total rip off! The taxi drivers charged a flat fee of US$65 to get to town! 
Anyway, we did get off at Phuket. I think we're the only ones on the ship that didn't get any sand in our shoes...that's cos we didn't even step on the beach! All we did was going to a real hideaway spa on a hill (in case got tsunami again), had a 2 hour long luxurious massage, drank freshly made pineapple juice on the villa's veranda, after that we headed for a early dinner. Again ontop of a hill overlooking the sea, watched the sunset and had the most lovely (but in very tiny portions) thai food dinner. Oh yeah, I didn't bother shopping at the pasar malam. The prices were really ridiculous for cheap looking, poor quality stuff. Imagine, a long sun dress that looks like something you can get at This Fashion for 30 bucks was selling at $70 there! The particular dress I picked out was literally falling apart at it's seams.

This was officially our first real vacation together. Even though we travelled extensively in the past, none of it really qualified as a real vacation since we usually had to get work over n done with first. But for this cruise, we made it a point of not talking or even thinking about work.
Ok now we gotta make it a point to really snap out of it and get in gear for business to resume...soon....after chinese new year....sooon.