Wednesday, April 2, 2008

City girl

In Kyoto now, enjoying the sakuras. Very pretty and scenic, especially when the weather's nice and you get to see the dainty flowers against the clear blue sky.
Went walking through the "Path of Philosopphy" which is a small gently wind-y path along the river lined with cherry blossoms.
My thought's after walking down the "path of philosophy"?
"Too much a good thing is not good"

i.e. Think I've seen enough cherry blossoms and quaint villages, I NEED to get back to the buzz of a city where I can find a good cup of freshly brewed COFFEE and food that comes in adult portions.
When I'm a working city girl, I kid myself that life's so much better and easier maybe living in some farm some where.
After 4 days of sub-urbania, I'm craving the mad rush of life zipping by me in a city.
So I guess, not so deep down inside me, I'm a city girl afterall.


deLuxique said...

Lucky Lucky you in Kyoto!!
You are really enjoying life more and more now. Really happy for you my girl!!!!!!!! :D

Sunshine Gal said...

u also enjoying life what...u've been on quite abit of holidays as well
actually other than japan, the rest of my trips are for work
going to Shanhai, Beijing, Korea & HK mid to end May for if u're headed that way lemme know! =)