Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm back...

Just got a friendly reminder that I've not been updating my here I am.
I've been blog surfing but abit lazy to write on mine. Maybe it's becos I've been so busy at work that by the time I get home, I'm too tired to think and write.
Honestly I don't really like writing. I'm more a visual person (hence my photography) or if I need to communicate, I rather talk (hence my ji-za-bo-ness).
So in this entry, I've decided to post my long overdue pictures of my trip to Japan with my mum and bro.
I had a really nice time, it's been awhile since I got to spend so much time with my mum n my brother and no place nicer to spend it in but a cherry blossom filled land of the rising sun.

1 comment:

kohpeganz said...

finally,... i see some updates on your blog.... hahaha