Thursday, February 26, 2009

The next frontier

In less than 19 days I'm about to embark on the greatest adventure of my life or at least that's how i feel. I've been dreaming about this for the longest time but now that it's really happening i'm both excited and afraid. In fact, for the past few days I've been bouncing from one extreme emotion to another, one of immense anticipation and excitement and the other, fearful & anxious about the unknown.
I really hope once I've cross the threshold, things will just fall in place and work well for everyone who has a stake in this. I hope next year this time, I'll look back and be amused with the anxiety my silly mind put me through. 
Well the big plus side about this move is my 2 darlings will be with me and I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time exploring a new life, a new place together. 
I'm thankful that I've been able to experience so much diversity, adventures and fulfillment in my life. I'm thankful that I'm never content with the mutiny of routine that many people I know have grudgingly embraced for fear of "trying something new". Finally, I'm most thankful that God has blessed me with the courage and faith that He will always be by my side, smoothening out my journey for me. Even where there're obstacles, it's just Him playing prank and working in his usual mysterious ways. 
So guys, stay tuned and find out what happens once I've taken my leap of faith on the 19th =)

1 comment:

deLuxique said...

Good luck! Update me soon! Take care and all the best!