Tuesday, June 3, 2008

True wealth

True wealth
Wealth is not a specific number or amount. It is an attitude.
There is more than enough abundance in the world. It is yours to the extent that you imagine it to be and then proceed to live and to genuinely act according to your expectations.
The less you need, the more you have. When you need nothing, you have it all.
What you grab from others will be of no use to you. It is the value you're able to provide to others that creates enduring wealth.
You can be wealthy this very moment. For when you sincerely see yourself as wealthy, you truly are.
Look within yourself and discover the true wealth that is unique to you. And find real joy in building upon that wealth, day after day.
-- Ralph Marston

I found this little passage very meaningful after a nasty experience with a very wealthy person (the filthy rich kind).
It always saddens me when there are too many people out there who place too much value on monetary wealth. From my own observation, I've notice a direct coorelation between unhappiness and monetary wealth. But let me qualify it is not the amount of wealth one has but the VALUE one places on money. I notice the more importance one places on monetary riches the more unhappy they become. What's even more saddening is when one values riches at the expense of family ties and friendship.
I guess the more one pursues wealth the more distrustful and bitter one becomes even towards people whom they're suppose to care for.
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all rich people are unhappy. I personally know very wealthy people who are truly happy beings but these tend to be people who are humble and kind hearted.

Look at Warren Buffet, he's one of the world's richest man yet he still lives in the same house, drives the same car and is married to same woman as when he had mere pennies in his pocket. On top of that, he is known to be a very charitable and humble person. To me, that's true wealth.
There are many successful people in this world but very few great ones.

1 comment:

deLuxique said...

Best examples would be those who kicks up a big fuss just because you give them lower interest rate. These people place so much value in $ that every little thing related to $ can control their emotions easily.

Being free from money is the greatest freedom one can have, in our society like this. Money should be a means to our end, and not the other way round. After all, we can't bring our wealth with us when we die. So why love money? Haha.