Thursday, July 24, 2008


I chanced upon this while blog surfing.
Coming from a Christian, it's rather blasphemous but it's so damn funny I can't resist sharing....afterall, since God created "murphy's law" I'm sure the big guy up there has a sense of humour
So to all you ladies who love their labels, here's pray for you:

Armani, Which art in Hermes,

Hallowed be thy Gucci.

Thy Cartier watch, Thy Prada bag,

On Rodeo, As it is in Tiffany's.

Give us this day our Visa Titanium

And forgive us this overdraft

As we forgive those who decline our Mastercard

Lead us not into JC Penney, And deliver us from Sears.

For thine is the Chanel, the Gaultier, and the Versace, For Dolce

and Gabana.

Amex .....

1 comment:

kohpeganz said...

i burst out laughing when reading this. hahaha!