Sunday, September 13, 2009

long time

Ok now i know i haven't exactly been very discipline at updating my blog but there seems to be so much life going on outdoors waiting to be experienced as opposed to being stuck infront of the computer.
For one, we had an awesome day at Bondi beach yesterday. It was the festival of the winds, which is basically a nice way of saying a "kite flying festival". I'm turning 34 (?) in 1 day and this is the first time I've actually flown a kite! Yes, my childhood didn't really comprise of kite flying activities cos I was too engrossed at mastering zero-point.
So imagine my thrill when I could join hundreds of kite flyers, young n old, on the beach, against the always fantastic bondi backdrop, setting the sky alight with amazing colors! I don't know what's more thrilling, the actual kite flying part or watching and being part of a moment where adults and kids alike, truly enjoying such a innocent and uncomplicated sort of happiness and joy of doing something as organic as flying a kite.
Aaaahhh one more reason to love Australia and God for letting me be here.

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