Friday, May 30, 2008

Jaw dropping homes...

How would you like living in these houses?
The one on the water apparently cost Euro20M EACH!
I love the Tree houses...have always dream of having one since I was a little girl...but definitely not in Spore though...too many creepy crawlies and wait tree got termite and cannot take my weight haha

1 comment:

deLuxique said...

Read your long comments. I returned to the same entry and read if I was really biased against them.

However, after reading it again and again, what I wrote were truly what I've heard from different sources about them!

I do not have any personal friends who are in this line of business, I could have known them better, but so far, my opinions are what I've heard about them.

Never in my entry mentioned that other careers are better. I also never believe banking is anywhere better (that's why I've always been looking for Plan B!)>

I'm still trying to understand why it affects you so much... perhaps cos you know someone personally, and she's a good person. But the general statement about air stewardess is really as such.

This issue.. really.. has nothing personal against anyone. And I'm really puzzled why did you use me as an example and talked about materialism. Let's not get personal.

But anyway, thanks for reading!
